Lord Dewar welcomes you to his mansion. Strip yourself of your identity and embody one of the three protagonists.

When nothing turns out to be what it seems, the spiral of events will try to engulf them forever.

A different Victorian scenario for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition, where horror will twist the sanity of the characters until they doubt their own shadows. 

A semi-sandbox proposal with little presence of Cthulhu Mythos, which offers the Keeper all the tools ready to react and ensure that every time you play it the development can be very different. 

If you are a Keeper that doesn't settle with the basics and want more, take advantage of this exclusive pack. Includes:

  • The howl of the chimeras' scenario book, 220 pages, full-color illustrations and a luxury edition.
  • Dewar Mansion's maps, in a foldable A3 paper format.
  • 3 pregenerated character sheets with detailed background.
  • 9 independent game handouts.
  • 27 character cards, ready to be cut.

Experience an unsettling tale of suspense and horror for

where the main characters will truly be at the heart of everything that happens.

Written by Albert Estrada

Illustrated by Alberto Martínez “Kisama”

Maps by José Calvo “Calmujo”



  • Special price: pre-order discount.
  • Be the first to have it: early access to PDF and home delivery.
  • Currently in translation: product completed (successfully published in Spanish).
  • No risk pre-order: Later available in stores (higher price).


The howl of the chimeras book is a deluxe hardcover edition with gold-foil motifs.

220 pages printed in high-quality paper, full-color edition, letter format.

This mysterious and terrifying scenario contains everything the Keeper needs to play an unforgettable experience.

  • Complete background of the Dewar mansion and its surroundings.
  • Stats and background of the investigators, specially designed with plot hooks.
  • A complete main plot of the scenario with a semi-sandbox development, detailed descriptions of each chapter, section and plot events.
  • Multitude of events and their triggers, which allow you to gamemaster the scenario again but playing a different development.  
  • Full description, role in the plot and possible events for the 40 locations in the Dewar mansion and 16 locations in the Laird's lands.
  • More than 23 NPCs with detailed information on their roles, threat level and how to play them. This includes special tips for roleplaying Lord Deward and NPCs.
  • Hints and tips for introducing and running the scenario, managing the clues and the plot.
  • A helpful section with conversation topics to use with the interactions between the non-player characters and the characters.
  • 10 sets of very useful full-color game aids, such as stunning 3D view floor plans of the mansion, posters, letters, excerpts, notes, book pages.


Want to see more? Clichere for a sample of The howl of the chimeras.


Are you a Keeper that doesn't settle for basics? Get into the complete experience of The howl of the chimeras with this Deluxe bundle. You will have everything you need to run this terror scenario, and you will be able to keep all inside an impressive deluxe gold foil box. This bundle includes:

  • The howl of the chimeras” scenario book, deluxe hardcover edition.
  • 9 printed game handouts.
  • 3 booklets with the Investigators stats, illustration and background.
  • 27 NPC cards printed in letter, ready to be cut and used on the table.
  • The Dewar Mansion’s floor plans (A3 booklet).
  • Deluxe Box.


More information about the investigators an the Game handouts just below.


The Deluxe bundle includes the three full-color foldable booklet (printed) of the Investigators with:

  • The Investigator character sheet.
  • Character illustration.
  • Character background with plot hooks.

Specially created for this scenario! These pregen characters are not random investigators. Their backstories are tied to the scenario in a relevant way. We should say no more (risk of spoilers).

Note: The Investigators stats, illustrations and backgrounds are also inside the book.

Clichere and download a sample of Arthur Wilthishire's Character Sheet.


You asked for visual and immersive gaming aids for NPCs, high-quality handouts, period documents, pregen characters tied to the story, maps... so you have them! 

If you’re a Keeper that want to enhance your game experience, the Deluxe bundle is what you need. All the full-color game handouts contained in the book but printed… plus a surprise:

  • Three Investigator character sheets (letter size).
  • 2 posters (letter).
  • 2 handwritten letters (letter).
  • 1 Sketch with notes (letter).
  • 3 book excerpts (landscape open book view) (letter).
  • The lands of the Laird map (letter).
  • The Dewar Mansion’s floor plans (double-sided A3 booklets).
  • 27 NPC cards, ready to be cut and used on the table (printed in letter).

Don’t miss them. Only available in the Deluxe bundle!

Still want to see more? Clichere and download a sample of Dewar's Mansion's maps, and here for a sample of the NPC cards.


The sour taste of the inevitable is well present in this story. The descent into madness is an integral part of the story, but here the supernatural elements do not threaten the existence of mankind, nor do they inevitably drive anyone who glimpses even a shadow of their petty magnificence insane. On the contrary, they are so subtle that it is possible to wonder whether they are real or not. Isn't that precisely what losing one's mind is all about?

This adventure is set at the end of Queen Victoria's reign, at an undetermined point on the coast of Scotland, not too far from neighboring England.

In addition to being a wealthy aristocrat, Lord Dewar is a physician, taxidermist and expert in anthropology and occult sciences. In his youth he was a hunter and explorer in Africa, South America and Asia. He has lived endless adventures throughout his travels and from his many expeditions it is rumored that he has brought with him a very valuable Inca treasure, over which, of course, it is said that there is a terrible curse. A treasure that has awakened the seeds of greed even among those closest to the old landowner.


Albert Estrada discovered role-playing games through the books “Elige tu propia aventura" (Choose your own adventure) by Timun Mas and started with the classic “The Lord of the Rings (MERP)” by Iron Crown Enterprises published in Spain by Joc Internacional. He is more a fan of science fiction than horror or medieval fantasy. He has been playing role-playing games for more than thirty years and has embarked on all kinds of projects related to his passion, such as the YouTube channel of role-playing theory “Culpa del rol” or the international contest of game directors Portal Awards. He has collaborated in role-playing radio programs such as “Rol Fiction” and in several gamification congresses sponsored by the University of Rey Juan Carlos I. He has collaborated in the organization of several live role-playing events and is also part of the association “Creacions Enigmàtiques” whose raison d'être is to bring role-playing games to the geek days of Catalonia. He has published several works, between role-playing games and adventures, such as “Al Límite RPG” (HT Publishers) or “El Secreto de los Nimblekins” (Nosolorol) as well as free material in electronic format such as the role-playing games “Algo que contar”, “Powered by the zombie apocalypse” or “Vieja Escoba”; the adventures for Karma the Roleplaying Game “Flores de algodón” and “El Exiliado Alemán” and modules such as “El Rey, los capones y la virgen de la campana” (winner of the An Adventure for Roach & Role 2018 Contest), “La Caída” (supplement for “Al límite RPG”), “Ventana de Oportunidad” or “El Colapso”. His Magnum Opus - the “Portal” Roleplaying rules system - is still simmering, although a beta version is available online. He has passed on his passion for role-playing to his daughter, who, he confesses, is going to make the hobby boring.

Stay updated. Sign up to our newsletter.


The howl of the chimeras has been already published and played in Spain with a very successful deluxe edition. The translation is currently being made by a reliable native translator, so as soon as we receive the translated and corrected manuscript, layout and final edition will be done, and production will start.

  • Early access to the PDF: December 2024.
  • Estimated shipping start date: February 2025.


At Shadowlands Games we are committed to seriousness and loyalty in the fulfilment of all our projects. After 6 years publishing successfully all our projects (licensed and self-produced, national and international) we know that there are a variety of moments when problems can occur. We know this as a company, as designers and as clients. But we strive to minimize the risk using a meticulous editing and production process to minimize errors and delays.

This is why this project is, in many ways, a “no risk pre-order”. The reasons:

  • The howl of the chimeras has already been published in Spanish. No testing, design or primary editing is needed.
  • Illustration is completed, and layout template is waiting for the English translation.
  • Translation has already started.
  • The howl of the chimeras will be available in stores later (after pre-orders will be delivered). This means that the production of this deluxe edition is 100% sure.

Estimated deadlines:

  1. Translation. The howl of the chimeras is currently in translation by a native professional. This allows us to move forward and shorten delivery times as much as possible. We expect that translation will be completed during December 2024.
  2. Production. After rigorous proofreading and editing, production is estimated to start in January 2025.
  3. Shipping. Although is a complex step, our estimations say that shipping will start in February 2025. 

We are committed to transparency and communication to our backers. If you have any doubt or issue to solve during of after this crowfunding we will be glad to assist you in info@shadowlandsgames.com

With your pre-orders, you not only get a discount, also get our sincere gratitude for all your trust and support. Thank you!