Normally, we use to take our time and pay an effort to define properly things -books, films, music… However, sometimes is more worthy to define something by telling what it is NOT.
Let see…
Raven is NOT another D&D setting. Raven RPG is a complete brand new role-playing game in a new world inpired by Poe’s work.
Raven is NOT another Raveloft-like setting. Raven RPG has its own background and soul, writen by Poe lovers.
Raven is NOT another not-so-new 5E SRD game. Raven RPG has its own game system. It has been designed specially to ensure a dark and gothic experience through pushing the story of your playgame with significative rolls.
Raven is NOT a zine nor a storytelling game. Raven RPG is a complete corebook that includes all information you need to play and create you own adventures.
Raven is NOT a single book campaign. Raven is a live game line that will include adventures, supplements and more!
Have you got any question? Stay with us and know more details. What will be next?
Shadowlands Games
can it be played solo or voice less?
No, Raven is not a solo game, it needs a player as a Tenebrouse voice and another player to form the Corvus family.